A whimsical image of Jesus confounding his opponents by presenting them with a glass of beer.


Our most extravagent offer for Our biggest fans…

prod·i·gal – “Having or sharing on a lavish scale…” (Oxford Dictionary)

The Prodigal Package (2025)

Announcing an elite membership program with exclusive access & unprecedented perks – perfect for companies, groups, and superfans!

As a Prodigal, you’ll personalize your package by selecting 4 of 5 amazing benefits, each of which can be utilized / appreciated by anyone you designate!

Benefit #1 – Free Event Space

Wondering where to host your next birthday, reception, party, or corporate event? Lazarus has some of the best event space in Austin… and Prodigals get to use it for free!

  • get 2 free private event space rentals (either Lazarus location)
  • up to 4 hours each, Mon-Thurs (subject to availability, no F&B minimums!)
  • includes our Cool Store, Casita, Pirate Ship Playground, Living Room Den(s), Bob Marley Patio, Covered Patios, etc.
  • perfect for groups of 25-150+ people!

Plus get 50% off all regular weekend rental rates, at both locations (F&B minimums may apply).

VALUE: $6,000+1

Benefit #2 – Magic Beer Cooler

Love Lazarus beer? We’re making it easy to bring the party to your place, week after week…

  • get a custom YETI Tundra 35 cooler
  • we’ll fill it with your choice of beer
  • up to 30 twelve oz. cans -OR-
    up to 12 thirty-two oz. crowlers
  • free, once a week, though 2025!

That’s 70 weeks of award-winning Lazarus beer. You can appreciate your employees, celebrate with your team, or share it with friends. With up to 5 free six-packs every week, the possibilities are endless. You’ll be the hero of every party, picnic, gathering or get together… BOOM!

VALUE: $6,4432

Benefit #3 – Prodigal Gift Card

We want to make Lazarus your favorite place, every day of the week. So we’re making it easy to swing by anytime:

  • get a personalized Prodigal gift card
  • $100 of monthly in-store credit (reloads automagically every month!)
  • good for all Lazarus food & beverage
  • works at both locations

That’s a whole lot of coffee, beer, tacos, and joy! Life is good when you live at Lazarus…

VALUE: $1,6003

Benefit #4 – Daily Dose of Inspiration

Working on the next big thing? Let’s make it easy to get you fueled…

  • get a custom YETI Rambler 16
    -OR- or YETI Rambler 25 coffee cup
  • we’ll fill it with your choice of Lazarus coffee, tea, or cold brew
  • free, once a day, though 2025!

Use it for yourself, or as a perk for your personal assistant or employee of the month. Either way, it’s 490 daily doses of divine inspiration (hot or cold, regular or decaf). BAM! Your daily commute just got awesome…

VALUE: $2,4904

Benefit #5 – First Beer’s On Us!

Need to catch up on email, meet up for business, or reconnect with friends? We’re here for you, 7 days a week, morning, noon & night. And every time you walk through our doors…

  • your first beer’s on us (at either location!)
  • for you or a companion5
  • free, once a day, through 2025!

With a perk like this, why meet anywhere else? That’s 490 days of conversations, connections, missions accomplished, and friendships forged! You could get used to this…

VALUE: $3,6756


You get to choose 4 of the 5 options. So pick your perks. Make the purchase. We’ll even throw in a cool Lazarus shirt or hat for free. Together we can do something extravagant!

Once purchase is complete we will reach out to confirm benefits and arrange for delivery.

What are you waiting for? Click the link, pick your perks, and stake your claim as an inaugural member of the Lazarus Prodigals today!

Got questions? Contact Kerri @ (541) 543-5717.


  1. Who is this package for? We designed The Prodigal Package with 2 distinct audiences in mind (Superfans and Corporate). And because you are all so unique, we made it extremely flexible in how it can be utilized / applied. For example…

    Superfans / Creatives: (personal, community, work, etc.)
    – you’d love free meeting space for birthdays, meetups, or wedding receptions…
    – you’d love free Lazarus beer TOGO, to share it with friends or unwind with your softball team after softball practice…
    – you’d love a free coffee daily (since you already co-work at Lazarus)…
    – you’d love a free beer daily (since you schedule meetings regularly at Lazarus)…
    – you’d love $100/month for weekly date nights at Lazarus…
    – you appreciate things that are special!

    Companies / Groups: (corporate, teams, events, etc.)
    – you’re always looking for great event space…
    – you’re always seeking creative ways to reward top performers… (“A month with a Magic Beer Cooler + $100 of in store credit?!? Heck yes!”)
    – you’re always thinking about how to attract and retain top talent… (Beer Fridays for staff? Daily coffee for a trusty assistant?)
    – you appreciate things that are a great value!
  2. How do I build my package? Just click the BUY NOW link and select 4 of the 5 benefits which you will utilize most often. (If you have any questions, just ask!)
  3. How do I designate who uses what? You can specify authorized users. Each authorized user receives a Prodigal Card that identifies which benefits they can access.
  4. When can I begin using these benefits? Coolers, mugs, and Prodigal Gift Cards should be available for pickup by the last week of August. As soon as you pick up your assets and we register you in our system, you can begin utilizing your benefits.
  5. How long are these benefits valid? Through the end of 2025. Obviously, the sooner you purchase your Prodigal Package the more valuable your package will be.
  6. Are the daily / weekly / monthly benefits cumulative? No. These benefits work on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. Failing to redeem your free coffee for one or two days won’t make you eligible for two or three free coffees the next time you come in. The same is true for the magic beer cooler – you are eligible to receive one cooler’s worth of free beer TOGO per week; if you want three coolers worth of free beer for that big block party you’re planning, you’ll need to claim it weekly (or use your gift card to purchase extra!).
  7. Will any unused balance on Gift Cards carry over to the following month? No. At the beginning of each month, your gift card card balance will reset to $100. So use it or lose it. (But as long as you come in regularly, you shouldn’t have any problem using your balance.)
  8. Can Gift Cards be used to purchase merch and swag? No. Gift Cards may be used only for food & beverage purchases (in-store or TOGO), tips, gratuity, and/or service charges.
  9. Do I have to have bring my Magic Beer Cooler to pickup my free weekly beer TOGO? Nope! We’ll be happy to send you home with just cans or crowlers. (But that sweet YETI cooler sure does a fine job of making it keeping it cold in hot car!)
  10. Can I just walk in and claim my free weekly beer TOGO? Not quite. You will need to present your Prodigal ID (so we can make sure no one else is trying to claim your perks).
  11. Can I just walk in and claim my free Coffee? Yep. But you will need your custom YETI cup.
  12. Can my friend / companion doesn’t drink beer – can I use my First Beer’s On Us for wine or frozens? Unfortunately not, you can only use it for Lazarus beer. However, you can use your auto-reloading Prodigal Gift Card for wine or frozen (or any other food & beverage). So it’s almost like it’s free if you pay for it that way…
  13. Can I claim my benefits at either Lazarus location? Yes. For example, you can get your free coffee or your free TOGO beer from either location (just not from both locations on the same day / week).
  14. Still have questions? Contact Kerri @ (541) 543-5717.


  1. Events must be scheduled (not just booked) between Sept 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2025. Cancellation policies apply. ↩︎
  2. Retail value of custom Yeti Cooler is $500. Retail value of TOGO beer is based on avg. price of $2.83/can x 30 cans x 70 weeks (Sept 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2025). ↩︎
  3. Gift card value based on $100/mth x 16 months. ↩︎
  4. Retail value of custom Yeti Coffee Cup is $40. Retail value of TOGO coffee value is based on avg. price of $5/drink x 7 days x 70 weeks. ↩︎
  5. TABC law allows one free beer per day per person; So if you already receive a free beer (by virtue of being a Patron Saint), you can gift your Prodigal Package “First Beer’s On Us” beer to one lucky companion who is accompanying you. ↩︎
  6. Beer value based on avg. price of $7.50/beer x 7 days x 70 weeks. ↩︎
  7. Remember, you get to choose 4 of the 5 benefits. The actual value of your package will depend on which benefit you choose to exclude. If you choose to exclude the Gift Card ($1,600), the other benefits would still be worth a total value of $18,608. If you pay $7,000 for this package, you’ll save $11,608. ↩︎
  8. Patron Saint “Early Access” discount only applies to purchases made by an existing Lazarus Patron Saint, on their own card, on or before Aug 25, 2024. If your company or group is making the purchase (which we love!), standard pricing applies. Please note, however, that all Saints who purchase the Prodigal Package are free to use the package as they see fit – just like a company or group, you can designate authorized users, etc. ↩︎
  9. Non-Profits: contact Kerri @ (541) 543-5717 for your discount code. ↩︎