20 Pound Brown

Brown Ale, 6.8% ABV
Bitter ⋅ Chocolate ⋅ Creamy

Catch of the Day

Back home in Montana, the big browns spawn in November. To catch one, you’ve got to be waist-deep in the river before dawn, snow or no snow. It’s a gamble – you might land the fish of your life, or you might go home empty-handed. But either way, it’s an unforgettable experience. 20 lb Brown is just like that – rich, bold, and full of character, with layers of caramel, chocolate, and toasted malt. A catch you won’t soon forget.


  • MALT: Maris Otter, German Pale, Caramalt, Pale Chocolate Malt, Crystal 50, Dark Crystal
  • HOPS: Phoenix, WGV
  • YEAST: US-05

Pours a dark brown with a chocolate milk like foam and garnet edges as light passes through. Aroma is of roast almonds, rich chocolate, and hints of earthy, malty characters. Flavor is rich chocolate with definitive notes bitterness coming from the blend of hops and roasted malts. Not overly bitter or astringent, the original flavor is coating yet fleeting leaving the after taste of dark chocolate.