King Frank

Franconian Lager, 5.2% ABV
Grain ⋅ Spicy ⋅ Toasted Crackers ⋅ On Tap Now ⋅ Airport Blvd

A Lager Fit for a King, Perfect for the Patio

Meet Frank – a smooth, rich Franconian Lager that will remind you of fresh grain, toasted crackers, and just the right amount of spiciness. Regal, yet down to earth, Perfect beer for a fine fall (or spring) afternoon on the patio!


  • MALT: Vienna Malt, Pilsner Malt, Aciduated Malt, Carared
  • HOPS: Hallertau
  • YEAST: Lager

Aroma leads with fresh grain and cracker notes with hints of spicy undertones. Flavor is dominated by toasted cracker and fresh malt character. Hints of toasted almonds and cacao lay low in the background. Flavor is intense yet subdued with a fleeting impact that is then washed away by the dry yet crisp finsih. Pours a reddish brown with white foam.